Coconut shell activated carbon is commonly prevalent in countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines, as these countries have large quantities of raw materials. The coconut shell activated carbon is refined into coconut charcoal making machine. Product pores developed, large adsorption capacity, fast decolorization, deodorization, high product strength, long service life, coconut shell activated carbon and gold coconut shell activated carbon, clean water coconut shell activated carbon, MSG refined coconut shell activated carbon, petrochemical desulfurization special coconut Shell activated carbon, Vinylon catalyst coconut shell activated carbon, ethylene desalted coconut shell activated carbon, cigarette filter coconut shell activated carbon, etc., coconut shell activated carbon is widely used in food, medical, mining, metallurgy, petrochemical, steel making, tobacco, fine chemicals, etc. industry.

Sawdust Briquette Machine


What are the uses of charcoal?

1. Desulfurized coconut shell activated carbon: used as a carrier for the gasoline desulfurization (deodorization) catalyst of the refinery catalytic unit.

2, Vinylon catalyst coconut shell activated carbon: used in the chemical industry as a catalyst carrier, such as vinyl acetate catalyst carrier.

3. MSG refined coconut shell activated carbon: used for decolorization and refining of mother liquor in the production process of MSG, and also used for decolorization and refining of fine chemical products.

4, cigarette filter coconut shell activated carbon: used in cigarette filters in the cigarette industry, eliminating tar, toxic and harmful substances in cigarettes.

5. Coconut shell activated carbon for citric acid: used for decolorization, refining, and deodorization of various acids such as citric acid.

6, clean water coconut shell activated carbon: for household drinking water, water treatment plant water treatment, bottled water production of deep water purification.

7. Protective coconut shell activated carbon: used for the production of impregnated carbon, filling various filters and industrial anti-virus appliances.

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